Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Thousand Gifts

I've been blessed to read Ann Voskamp's Holy Experience blog. She writes so beautifully, and I am so encouraged by her words. She challenged her reader's to write a list of 1000 gifts God has blessed them with.

1. walking my baby to sleep while I pray over her
2. a change in perspective, brought on by the words of a friend at dinner last night
3. peaceful moments to read a book
4. seven beautiful, wonderful children
5. a loving and attentive husband
6. a roof over my head
7. food on my table
8. clothes on my back
9. dear friends that I can share with my heart with
10. watching my two girls snuggled together taking a nap on the living room floor
11. listening to my boys helping each other with homework
12. fresh revelation
13. freedom to express my emotions to God without fear of punishment
14. David passed his insurance test the first time
15. playing soccer with a cereal box with Corey
16. tickle fights with Joshie and Kyle
17. sweet baby kisses
18. Noelle's belly laugh
19. the opportunity to teach my children
20. sharing joy with my children when they get good grades
21. singing songs with the littles for Bible
22. learning songs with Kaelyn
23. virtual dream shopping with Kaelyn
24. watching the Olympics with my children
25. witnessing a much-needed object lesson
26. the birth of a calf
27. hearing God speak to me, sometimes when I least expect it
28. watching my babies sleep
29. playing baseball with my children in the yard
30. listening to Joshie sing our Bible songs throughout the day

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